Sample Screenshots ================== The Educates workshop dashboard comprises a set of workshop instructions on the left hand side and a series of tabbed views on the right hand side. For workshops requiring commands to be run, one or more terminal shells will be provided. ![](dashboard-terminal.png) The terminals provide access to the editors ``vi`` and ``nano``, but if you want to provide a UI based editor, you can enable the embedded editor view. The embedded IDE based on VS Code can be used. ![](dashboard-editor.png) To complement the workshop instructions, or to be available for use by the instructor, slides can be included with a workshop. For slides you can use HTML based slide presentation tools such as ``reveal.js``, ``impress.js``, or you can embed a PDF file. ![](dashboard-slides.png) If the workshop involves working with Kubernetes, you can enable a web console for accessing the Kubernetes cluster. The default web console uses the Kubernetes dashboard. ![](dashboard-console-kubernetes.png) Alternatively, you can enable Octant as the web console. ![](dashboard-console-octant.png)